Celebrating a happy life as Jesus Christ had taught us

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A happy life, as Jesus taught, is not measured by worldly success or material possessions, but by the depth of our relationship with God and the love we show to others. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” This abundant life is characterized by inner peace, purpose, and the joy that comes from living according to God’s will. Celebrating this kind of life means embracing the values and teachings of Christ in every aspect of our existence.

One of the key teachings of Jesus that leads to a truly happy life is the principle of love. Jesus emphasized love as the greatest commandment, instructing us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). This love is the foundation of a happy life, fostering relationships built on trust, compassion, and kindness. When we love as Christ loved, we experience a profound sense of joy and fulfillment that transcends the temporary pleasures of the world. In loving others, we also find ourselves more deeply connected to God, who is the ultimate source of all joy.

Another essential element of a happy life, according to Jesus, is living with a spirit of gratitude and contentment. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, assuring us that all our needs will be provided (Matthew 6:33). This teaching encourages us to focus on what truly matters—our relationship with God—rather than being consumed by worry or the pursuit of material wealth. When we cultivate a heart of gratitude, recognizing God’s blessings in our lives, we are able to find contentment in every situation, leading to a deeper, more lasting happiness.

Forgiveness is another vital aspect of the life Jesus calls us to live. Jesus taught us to forgive others as we have been forgiven by God (Matthew 6:14-15). Holding onto bitterness or resentment can rob us of joy and peace, but when we forgive, we release ourselves from the chains of anger and hurt, opening our hearts to the joy that comes from reconciliation and love. By practicing forgiveness, we not only follow Jesus’ example but also experience the freedom and happiness that comes from letting go of past wrongs.

Service to others is also central to a happy life as taught by Jesus. He modeled a life of service, washing His disciples’ feet and instructing them to do the same for others (John 13:14-15). Jesus showed us that true happiness is found not in being served, but in serving others with humility and love. When we give of ourselves to help others, we reflect the heart of Christ and discover a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Through acts of service, we participate in God’s work in the world, bringing hope, comfort, and joy to those in need, and in turn, experiencing the joy of living out our faith.

Finally, celebrating a happy life as Jesus taught us involves embracing hope and faith in God’s promises. Jesus assured us that despite the trials and tribulations of life, we can have peace because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). This assurance gives us the strength to face life’s challenges with confidence, knowing that our ultimate hope is in Christ. By trusting in God’s plan and living in the hope of eternal life, we can celebrate each day with joy, knowing that our future is secure in Him. At the Universal Church of God, we strive to live out these teachings of Jesus, celebrating the abundant, joyful life that He has given us, and sharing that joy with others as a testament to His love and grace.